JoinedPosts by AK MCGRATH
Watchtower Lawyers Response
by Marvin Shilmer inwatchtower lawyers response .
today i uploaded a new article to my blog comparing what a watchtower lawyer wrote in a medical journal with what watchtower had actually directed.
i think readers will find it of more than a little interest.
Watchtower Lawyers Response
by Marvin Shilmer inwatchtower lawyers response .
today i uploaded a new article to my blog comparing what a watchtower lawyer wrote in a medical journal with what watchtower had actually directed.
i think readers will find it of more than a little interest.
The medical directives were to be displayed in your wallet in such a way that if you got into an accident, that would be the first thing the EMT's, police, etc. would see. I shopped for a wallet that had a clear front cover, so it was dispayed on the outside of it. I was able to witness over it too, when someone inquired about the document
I also went to a bloodless seminar at a hospital, given by two sisters who showed a film on the new bloodless procedures. You could also pick up a keychain and decal for your vehicle indicating "no blood". I got the decal, and although I've drifted away from the "Truth" the last couple of years, only since I've been on this board, reading about all the hypocrisy and lies did I peel that off and throw it away.
Also, there was a living will document that had your wishes about non-blood issues as well as end-of-life wishes. Didn't the brothers keep a copy or the original? I know I had either the original or a copy at my house, gave an elder a copy and a friend. I thought that was a suggestion as well. Does anyone else remember this other document or details? Sorry if it has been mentioned above and I missed it. Thanku
Watchtower Lawyers Response
by Marvin Shilmer inwatchtower lawyers response .
today i uploaded a new article to my blog comparing what a watchtower lawyer wrote in a medical journal with what watchtower had actually directed.
i think readers will find it of more than a little interest.
Thank you for that information, Marvin. Indeed he knew full well what the WTBTS admonition was and how to get the witnesses to adhere. They didn't just give them out to anyone who asked. You were given one if you were baptised. You filled them out and signaures were witnessed at the book studies, if possible.
Anything else he told was total BS. When I look back, it confirms that no matter how hard leaving was, I did the best thing.
Keep up your fantastic work, Marvin!
~Close to Others..Close to My Self~
by freeflyingfaerie ini am using this as my very own personal therapy session to express some of what has been swimming around in my head~.
it may not take much shape, i'll be letting it flow.... there is nothing like feeling understood and accepted and loved for who you are.
but that's a difficult thing to really feel when there is little or no history with a person.
You are exquisite and your words move me, Faerie. Now stop it
Hi everyone. Wanted to officially intro myself. Well at least give you: In the Beginning...
by AK MCGRATH inwell, i'm going to break this up, because if anyone has read any of my posts, you know i can be long-winded.
yep, i'm the person that can leave a minute or two message on a v.m.. i have been on this board for a month or two and wanted to make sure i'd be sticking around before i intro'd myself, so here i am.
grab your favorite beverage, it's gonna be a long one.. in the beginning.... i learned of the "truth" through a co-worker.
As I've said before, the Greeks laid my foundation for the Truth. Although not being able to speak the language, except to learn a few words, greetings and order some yummy Greek food, I would occasionally attend the Greek meetings on Elston or in Indiana. This would happen even after my established hall, as I always felt more at home and comfortable amongst the Greeks than "my own people."
They were a lively, passionate and patriotic group~though Lord help them they tried not to be, but those stubborn Greeks! How I loved being in the company of people who actually cherished a good time! I can't recall how many times my friend's family would have others over for a gathering. There were even those of us who were not witnesses. At least I was studying, but, gasp! they mixed in company with non-believers! They could have been college friends of their four children (their children were 20 or older, at the time, and I was the same age as their youngest), or friends from their town they knew for years. Young and old, Greek or non, it didn't matter. A good time was had by all! Contagious, hearty laughter, Greek dancing with a hanky, scrumptous home-made food and wonderful stories filled the day into the night. OOPA!!
I'd learn of how some of these Greek friends came into the "Truth", and how they were trying to get an official Greek hall established through the WTBTS. As it was, my friends' family would drive to Chicago for the Greek meetings, which was 1 1/2 hours away from their home and then drive another 1 1/2 hours back. They had been doing this for years! Talk about being loyal for their cause. At the same time, they were also trying to establish that Greek congregation, but I think they needed so many people at the meetings for so long before the "Society" would recognize them as such. As a former overseer and missionary and current elder, this brother was certainly determined and tried for years to make it happen. As of this day, I don't know if it has, but when I would visit, I would try to get involved and asked for help from one of my friends to prepare a little comment in Greek. Oh, how everyone was thrilled when I spoke in Greek, even if I did mangle it. They saw the effort and loved me for it. And I loved them, too!
At these uplifting gatherings, I also heard stories of how my friends' father was giving a talk in one of the three countries he was a missionary, when there were closing in on him, some religious leaders with other men of the town, weapons in hand, who did not like his kind spouting off the "Truth" to a gathered crowd. I was in disbelief when I heard some of the brothers had to literally pick him up and throw him into a passerby train to save his life. I remember being amazed when he said he lived for a long time in hiding in a chicken coop. And I was teary-eyed right along with him when he said that was one of the best times in his life. I was in awe of his courage and total reliance on Jehovah for strengh and sustenance. Did I believe everything he said? I most certainly did. I still do.
He would also relate, that some years ago, whenever he would have gathering and there were black brothers and sisters, they would have to escort them out of the town which they now live, following them by car, so as to make sure nothing happened to them. That small, narrow-minded town was in the country. They had Mennonites and even put up with these Jehovah's Witnesses, but no way in hell would the "blacks" be invadin' THEIR town! Even though I loved my friends home and farm, I hated the town they lived in for that very reason alone. I remember having an tinge of attitude when we'd eat in town or get gas, thinking, WTF is the problem with these people? I HATE PREJUDICED PEOPLE, so I wondered, why would they live in such a town? They lived there for their own reasons. They had lived there for many years, always improving upon their house and the farm land. It was home to them. Who was I to question their choice of where they live, really? As long as THEY didn't act that way, it was none of my business.
M's parents were third of fourth generation witnesses. Both sides of their grandparents were claimed to be of the annointed, yet I remember the kids saying they don't know how their one grandmother could be because she was the meanest person ever! lol I got to know their other grandmother, and she became "Nona" to me as well. A sweet, quiet woman, who never bragged about her "heavenly inheritance". I could see who she would reside with in heaven, her beloved and deceased "Papoo" as the kids would call him, through old family photos. Those Greeks. That is one thing that was quite evident throughout the congregation meetings, gatherings and family discussions. Family was everything! Family and Jehovah.
Two of their guests I got the pleasure to meet was a Greek overseer and his wife. Brother and Sister Cook seemed very nice to me, and I realy liked Sister Cook. Outspoken and funny. Kinda like me. They relayed stories and asked me about mine. When Sunday approached, as I was not even going in field service yet, and everyone in the house was, I was wondering what would happen to me. Well, as it happened, one of the cars did not start. I offered to drive. Brother Cook was consulted and I was taken up on my offer.
Sister Cook and the girls were with me and we had a blast! During our convos, the girls brought up the grief I was under and she got to know more of my troubles with the pioneer and hall from hell. She asked me if I wanted to take a door with her. I said, well, I can't go out in field service yet. She asked me a question or two such as, am I doing anything that would bring reproach upon Jehovah? "No!" "Do you love Jehovah and want to go out in sevice yet?" "Yes!" "Well then, let's go!" And off we went, her speaking to a Greek speaking householder, me standing there smiling, yet a little nervous hoping the householder doesn't turn to talk to me in a language I can't converse in.
After their visit with my friends and a talk at the hall, a bunch of us went out to eat. We dropped them off at the airport and as a thank you, Bro. Cook drew a new dvd from his bookbag, and gave it to Bro. P. I was excited and even though it wasn't given to me, I felt privileged to even be aware of this "secret" dvd that wasn't even available yet! lol
When I had my study next, and again Esther asked me how my weekend went, I excitedly (that was my first mistake) told her of my weekend with my friends in Indiana, and how I met the Greek District Overseer and his wife. "No you didn't. You did not meet the district overseer." Me: "Yes I did. In fact, I even went out in field service with Sister Cook" (mistake #2). Her: "What!?" Me: "Well, one of the cars didn't work and I was only driving in the territory. But sister Cook asked me if I wanted to go with her. I didn't talk or anything, and it was in Greek, so..." You know the cartoons where there is steam coming out of the ears of someone really pissed? DING! DING! DING! If she coulda, she would've blown! lmfao Well, I would have loved to hear the gossip on that one! At the same time, she still acted as if I made the whole thing up.
As it turned out, a while later, there were some ramblings at my hall about special visitors and a last minute change. This brother would now be giving the talk today. I heard the name, Cook. Hmm. Could this be the Brother Cook I know? When the couple came in the door, the "friends" were fawning all over them, eager to shake their hand and kiss ass. When the crowd was clearing, I could see it was in fact, those lovely people whom I shared some great times with. I smiled a big smile.
I can't recall who I was talking with, but I said, "Oh, I know them!". Not haughtily or with attitude, just happily. The little group looked at me and someone said, "You know THEM!?" "Yes", I replied. "That is Brother and Sister Cook. I met them while I was with M and her family". "Yea, Sure. I doubt it." was the kind of cold-hearted replies I recieved. I just shrugged my shoulders.
Just at that time, it was announed the meeting was going to start in a few minutes, so we were to make our way to our seats. I went to my seat and, sitting by myself, waited for the song to be announced. Everyone was seated, and Brother Cook made his way to his seat. I smiled. Sister Cook passed by me, stopped and turned around. (I guess the long-blonde hair always was a standout) "JO-!", she says in that booming voice of hers. I said, "Hi, Sister Cook!" as I give her a little wave and a big smile. She comes walking towards me, arms outstreched, and so I get up from my seat and she gives me a great big ol' hug. When we release, she said, "It's so good to see you again! How are you?" I told her I was fine and it was good to see them again too. She asked, "have you seen Brother and Sister P recently?" I said, "Yes, I have". "Well, good! And tell them George and I said "Hi!" next time you see them, ok?" "Ok, Sister Cook, I sure will." "Good! It was great seeing you again Sister B-take care of yourself!", she enthusiacilly conveyed. "Thank you Sister Cook. I will. You too", I beamed.
Well, if you think that place was quiet before, man oh man! lmfao! THAT MOMENT WAS PRICELISS! All the nay-sayers, gossipers, and two-faced, ass kissing elders and pioneers were silenced by that one shinning moment in my "pathetic life".
When I told my friend and her family of this encounter with Sister Cook and her well wishes, we laughed and laughed and laughed. Years later, we would still find it one of the best things to amuse over!
Whenever I think of the love the Greek friends had for one another~Kissing on the cheek, grabbing a hand to shake it or giving a big ol' hug, I smile fondly. I was included in their affection, gatherings and families. I will always have a warmth in my heart and a smile on my face when I think of these lovely friends that touched me more than I can relate, and I will NEVER forget the loving-kindnesses they showed me over the years.
**RIP BRO P. I learned of his death through FB of all things. One of his daugh's has a semi-private account, and I check it out every so often. She thanked others for their well-wishes on their dad's passing in Feb. My heart sank when I read that. A little piece of me is now missing
(next part...The Assemblies...will be done next week) Thanks to whoever reads and especially comments.
Hi everyone. Wanted to officially intro myself. Well at least give you: In the Beginning...
by AK MCGRATH inwell, i'm going to break this up, because if anyone has read any of my posts, you know i can be long-winded.
yep, i'm the person that can leave a minute or two message on a v.m.. i have been on this board for a month or two and wanted to make sure i'd be sticking around before i intro'd myself, so here i am.
grab your favorite beverage, it's gonna be a long one.. in the beginning.... i learned of the "truth" through a co-worker.
Thanku so much everyone! I have been getting some thoughts together for this next part. My memory is kinda sucky, so I am trying recall and make notes so it can be somewhat coherent.
I'm really overwhelmed be your encouragement! So thanks again, and I hope I will not disapoint as the stories unfold.
I'll have something on here in about an hour or two. I know you have lots of other things to read, but please, feel free to comment if you'd like...The good, the bad, the ugly. Free speech allowed here
Well, She's in Hilo.
You ever been to Chi-town or Racine, Wisc Halls?
Damn You Autocorrect!!
by Morbidzbaby inhttp://damnyouautocorrect.com/8394/15-most-popular-autocorrects-from-april-2011/.
i freakin' love this site and have spent hours on it laughing my considerably-sized ass off.... a warning, don't be eating or drinking when you're about to read them... i can't do the heimlich from here, and i really don't wanna be held responsible for buying new computers....
I'm on page 31 of 81. I have to make myself go to bed here...What a great site to go on when you need a pick me up!
Hey WhiteDove! How u doin?
I wish one of my closest friends in Hawaii would become an ex-JW. That would be about the best news for me ever Whereabouts are you? Perhaps you know this friend of mine.
Watchtower Lawyers Response
by Marvin Shilmer inwatchtower lawyers response .
today i uploaded a new article to my blog comparing what a watchtower lawyer wrote in a medical journal with what watchtower had actually directed.
i think readers will find it of more than a little interest.
Another good find to expose the lies. Are these lawyers witnesses themselves? Even if they are not, I am sure they would be schooled in such matters in order to defend the WTBTS' position.
Yea, Right. We were only given cards if we asked for them. "Oooh! Oooh! Mr. Kotter! Mr. Kott-aair, may I have a "blood card" please?" BULLSHIT